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Fragen bezüglich Boarding Requirements

Pre-cruise testing is no longer required to sail, with a few exceptions. At this time, only the following sailings have pre-cruise testing requirements: Transpacific Sailings Cruises from Australia   For Transpacific Cruises All guests age 2 and olde...
All guests must ensure that they are medically and physically fit for travel. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) provide guidelines as to which vaccinations are required in each country. In many cases inocul...
In order to board the ship, guests will need to bring the following documents: COVID-19 Test Result (if applicable): Guests on transpacific sailings and sailings from Australia, will need to take a pre-cruise test prior to boarding day. See testing r...
Gathering Documents Make sure you have the proper forms of identification needed for your cruise. Give yourself plenty of time to obtain or renew your passport, if necessary. In order to make the boarding process as simple as possible, we strongly en...
Protocols for Singapore Departures Vaccination We recommend that guests be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, if eligible. While vaccination is not required, guest should disclose their status during check-in to ensure we maintain a highly vaccinated...
Auflagen für Reisen nach Australien Wenn Sie aus einem anderen Land nach Australien einreisen, müssen Sie sicherstellen, dass Sie die internationalen Einreisebestimmungen Australiens erfüllen, einschließlich Impfstatus, Visa, Einreisebestimmungen für...
Gäste sollten innerhalb des beim Check-in in der Royal App ausgewählten Ankunftszeitfensters am Terminal eintreffen. Gäste, die zu früh ankommen, können nicht mit der Einschiffung beginnen und Gäste, die zu spät ankommen, müssen warten, bis wir sie i...
Absolutely! We welcome guests to cruise on as many back-to-back cruises as they wish.
If you are sailing on a cruise that departs on or before May 31, 2023, and test positive for COVID-19 within 5 days prior to sailing, you may be covered under our COVID-19 refund policy. To be eligible, guests must meet the following requirements:   ...
If you feel ill in the days before your cruise, you should not travel. Keep in mind you will need to answer a health questionnaire prior to boarding. A positive test result, or documented symptoms of communicable disease during the boarding process, ...
Gesundheitliche Probleme unserer Gäste und Besatzungsmitglieder während der Kreuzfahrt können umgehend durch medizinisches Personal abgeklärt werden, sei es durch einen Besuch in der Kabine oder per Video-Telekonsultation. In unserem medizinischen La...
Vaccination Accommodations Requests  For some sailings where local regulations require vaccination, such as those sailing from Australia, we have adopted operational capacity restrictions that restrict the number of guests we can carry who are not va...

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