Vancouver Island Mountains, Inside Passage, British Columbia

Cruise to Inside Passage, Canada

Your ship offers the perfect platform for viewing British Columbia’s Inside Passage. This archipelago spans 25,000 miles from Seattle to Prince Rupert near the Alaskan border. Here you’ll ply calm waters sheltered between the British Columbia mainland and Vancouver Island. Along the way catch a glimpse of breathtakingly rugged scenery, plus staggering wildlife like salmon sharks, white spirit bears, and millions of seabirds.

Things To Do in Inside Passage

Vancouver Island, Inside Passage, British Columbia
Vancouver Island, Inside Passage, British Columbia


Discover a wide range of landscapes and native wildlife without leaving the ship. See glacial valleys speckled with evergreens and powerful waterfalls plunging toward the sea. Watch bald eagles soar overhead and porpoises playing in the ship’s wake. This is British Columbia in all its raw, pure glory.

Sleepy Bear in the Forest, Inside Passage, British Columbia
Sleepy Bear in the Forest, Inside Passage, British Columbia


British Columbia’s Inside Passage is dappled with forested islands and nature reserves. Explore the southern portion, passing Vancouver Island’s remote villages and Gulf Islands National Park Reserve. To the north, the Great Bear Rainforest is home to grizzlies, while the peaks lining Grenville Channel reach 3,500 feet above sea level.

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