Utilizar tu Crédito para Futuro Crucero (FCC) para tus próximas vacaciones es sencillo. Puedes hacerlo directamente en línea. 

New Bookings

You can use your Future Cruise Credit to book a cruise on the website. You apply it just like any form of payment. 

Shop the site for the cruise you want.

Have your Future Cruise Credit number ready. Search your inbox for “Royal Caribbean Future Cruise Credit” to find your FCC info.

When you go to checkout, enter your Cruise Credit number at the Payment page and click “Submit.”

Tadah! The credit is applied, and you’ll receive a confirmation email that it went through.

Other tips: If you are booking multiple rooms, you can enter a Future Cruise Credit number to apply to each room. If a balance remains on your Future Cruise Credit after applying, we’ll reissue you a new one for the amount of the balance.

Existing Bookings

Already have a cruise booked? You can apply a Future Cruise Credit toward any remaining payment you have on an existing reservation.

Contact us to get your credits applied towards your existing bookings.

Contact your Travel Advisor if you made the original reservation through them and they will assist with applying it towards your existing booking.


Para cada Crédito para Futuro Crucero que emitimos, enviamos un correo electrónico con toda la información necesaria. Busca “Royal Caribbean Future Cruise Credit” (Crédito para Futuro Crucero de Royal Caribbean) en tu bandeja de entrada. También puedes revisar el saldo de tu FCC cuando completes una nueva reserva en el sitio web, justo antes de hacer el pago. Si tienes problemas, puedes llamarnos o ponerte en contacto con tu asesor de viajes si hiciste la reserva original a través de uno. Recibirán la misma información importante sobre tus Créditos para Futuro Crucero.

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